Luca Gammaitoni from NiPS lab will be among the speakers at the Workshop on "Towards Zero-Power ICT" (2zeroP) co-organized in Brussels by the FP7 NANO-ICT coordination Action and the FET Proactive unit.

In preparation of the upcoming call 5, the aim of the workshop is to stimulate the scientific community to broaden and deepen its understanding of the objective "Towards Zero-Power ICT" (2zeroP), by elaborating the specific research challenges and their possible solutions in an interactive workshop.

The aim of the workshop is to elaborate a shared understanding of visions and opportunities related to the 2zeroP objective and to provide a background document giving inspiration to researchers interested in engaging in this new FET research area. For this purpose speakers will be invited to present their own ideas on the research challenges, solutions and opportunities related to this area. The meeting will be open for anybody interested and ample time for discussion will be provided.

More info available here!

NiPS Lab contribute to the Workshop on “Towards Zero-Power ICT” (2zeroP)
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