Wisepower srl partnered with the University of Wurzburg, Technical Physics, (Ger) in order to present a EC founded research project called NARROW, within the Marie Curie Action: Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) (Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP/MC-IAPP).
NARROW (Nanoelectronic Stochastic Resonance Radiation detectors by Wise Noise Power Harvesting) is aimed at opening dynamic pathways between two European partners, one from academia and one from private industry, to work on the frontiers of a new detection paradigm: a signals sensor exploiting noise via Stochastic Resonance like mechanisms. This novel detection scheme was proposed by one of the partners (Wisepower) and was occasionally discovered during the final phase of the EU funded STREP project SUBTLE by UWUERZ to occur in resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) in the regime of negative differential resistance. A joint patent of the partners Wisepower (via the University parent research group) and UWUERZ was just filed to cover the invention of the prototype.

The proposal received also the interest of a US based research group at the University of Arizona, led by prof. W. Ditto. 

Info available on www.wisepower.it

Wisepower srl, NiPS lab university spin-off, in a joint project with Wurzburg universty
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