Luca Gammaitoni, director of NiPS, is a keynote speaker at the ICREA workshop on Phonon Engineering 2010, in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Girona (SP).

According to the workshop website this workshop is an opportunity to share the knowledge in the area of nm-scale thermal management, energy transport and information processing devices. Its key target is to gather specialists from the international phonons community to debrief the main fields in phonons-related areas expected to have strong technological and scientific impacts in the near and long-term future.                   

TOPICS involved:

    * Energy Conversion

    * Micro to Nanoscale thermal management

    * Phononic crystals

    * Photon-phonon interactions

    * Electron-phonon interactions in low dimensions

    * Phonons in Metrology and in Biology

    * Coherent acoustic phonons and Phonon sources

    * Phonon-polaritons transport

Prof. Gammaitoni is presenting a talk on wednesday 26 entitled "Non-equilibrium thermal noise: putting thermal fluctuations at work"

Download the presentation given by Prof. Gammaitoni here:

Luca Gammaitoni keynote speaker at the ICREA workshop on Phonon Engineering
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