NiPS Laboratory will be present at the Innovation Convention in Brussels on Dec 5-6 2011.

The Innovation Convention is an essential part of the Innovation Union flagship initiative. 2011 edition is the first edition and will be led by the President of the European Commission, Mr. José Manuel Barroso and Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation, and Science. It will be Europe’s premier innovation event, with 1,200 or more selected participants.

The Innovation Convention exhibition will showcase exciting research and innovation results being developed under European funding programmes. Following a call for exhibitors open to projects supported by the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and the EU’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 45 projects have been selected over more than 450 proposals.

We are glad to anounce that NiPS proposal entitled "NANOPOWER, Toward ZEROPOWER – Recycling energy in the nanoworld" is one of the 45 selected projects.

See you in Brussels!

For info please check:

NiPS to present the NANOPOWER project at the Innovation Convention (Brussels 5-6 Dec 2011)
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