Budapest, 6 May (Friday) 10:45 – 12:15.

The fet11 conference programme will feature 30 scientific sessions of which six are dedicated to FET Flagship Pilots. From the more than 80 submitted proposals the programme committee has selected the most exciting. Among them the Scientific Session proposed by NiPS on

Sustainable ICT: Micro and Nanoscale Energy Management

Content: ICT energy isues form the basis of this session which brings together international experts interested in the realization of efficient low-power ICT devices. What are the basic mechanisms behind the heat production and how can we take advantage of the fluctuations instead of avoiding them? The aim is to understand the energy management physical mechanisms at nanoscale with a view to setting the bases for a new thermodynamics of ICT devices.


Session introduction (L. Gammaitoni)

Panel discussion coordinated by a scientific journalist (Leonardo Alfonsi, Vice President at EUSCEA – European Science Events Association)
– Adrian Ionescu (Ecole Politecnique Federale de Lausanne, CH)
– Fabio Marchesoni (Università di Camerino, IT)
– Bruno Michel (ETH Zurich/ IBM Research Zurich Research Laboratory, CH)
– Eric Pop (Univ Illinois, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Micro &  Nanotechnol Lab & Beckman Inst, Urbana, USA)
Proposals for ongoing/future activities
– ZEROPOWER Coordinated Action (Georgios Fagas, Tyndall Institute, IR) 5′
– FET initiatives: From 2ZEROP to MINECC: Minimising Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit. (Ralph Stuebner, EC ICT-FET Proactive) 10′

conclusion (L. Gammaitoni)

More info available here:

NiPS organizes a Scientific Session at fet11 on “Sustainable ICT: Micro and Nanoscale Energy Management”
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