Perugia 6/10 2017

Virgo Perugia group, part of NiPS laboratory, celebrated the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to three american scientists (Weiss, Thorne, Barish) for gravitational wave detection.
The Virgo Perugia group is part of the international scientific collaboration LIGO-Virgo that realized the first gravitational wave obesrvation, made on 14 September 2015 and  announced on 11 February 2016.

The Virgo Perugia group was founded in 1990 and has worked on the construction of the Virgo interferometer, test masses suspension system, since then. Specifically, the experise of the NiPS group is on thermal noise and associated implications for the functioning of the gravitational wave interferometer.


NiPS celebrates the 2017 Physics Nobel Prize to gravitational wave detection
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