Materials for Li/Na – based battery

Content of the lecture
  • Lithium-based batteries: early history and current commercial technologies
  • Analysis of a lithium-based secondary battery: constituents and available options
  • Functional properties of a secondary battery: capacity/energy/retention/efficienty
  • Physical chemistry fundaments of the Li/Na-based secondary batteries
  • Current status of research: advanced investigation techniques and materials


Teacher: Prof. Sergio Brutti

Master degree in Chemistry in 2000 and PhD title in 2004 at the Università di Roma La Sapienza under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Balducci (high temperature thermodynamics of materials). Between 2004 and 2011 junior and senior post doc in various academic and research insitutions in Italy and abroad (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Università di Roma Tre, CNR-ISMN, University of Oxford-UK, Unviersity of St. Andrews-UK, University of Thessaloniki-Greece) always working in the field of materials science. In december 2011 hired at the Università della Basilicata (SSD Chm/02 chimica fisica) as permanent researcher (physical chemistry research group supervised by Prof. Roberto Teghil). PI of the research project FIRB 2010 “Hydrides as high capacity anodes for lithium batteries” funded by MIUR (2012-2017) in joint collaboration with Dr.ssa Priscilla Reale (ENEA) . From 2013 to 2019 involved as PI or investigator in many research projects funded by italian institutions (PRIN2010-2011, SmartBasilicata-PONREC; Basilicata Innovazione 2013,2014 and 2015; PAR-ENEA/MISE 2017,2018 and 2019-2021), by the EU (H2020 SI-Drive) or by private sponsors (SAES Getters Spa). Councilor of the Board of Directors of the Sezione Basilicata of the Società Chimica Italiana (2015-2018) and Councilor of the Board of Directors of the Divisione di Chimica Fisica della SCI (2019-2021). Between 2014 and 2017 obtained the national abilitation as associate and full professor in physical chemsitry and inorganic chemsitry. In december 2019 moved to the Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza. Between 2001 and 2019 published more than 90 papers on ISI journals reaching more than 1800 citations with an overall H-index of 24.

