Vivere e sopravvivere nell’entropia
Perugia, April 20, 2016 L. Gammaitoni speaks at the conference "Vivere e sopravvivere nell'entropia" with a talk on "Energia ed Entropia: la strana coppia". During the event the book "Sporco Mondo" by Franco Vennati will be presented
Forti, “Promuovere i talenti, far crescere l’eccellenza”
Al chiostro di San Mercuriale la mostra “Maria Sklodowska Curie. Ovunque la prima” Eventi a Forlì„ Giovedì 28 Aprile, alle ore 18.30, al Circolo La Scranna di corso Garibaldi n.80 si terrà il convegno “Promuovere i talenti, far crescere
international ONRG project workshop
Perugia, 12 April 2016 Novel techniques for the realization of energy harvesting systems capable of substituting/integrating existing batteries for the powering of autonomous electronic devices. 1 2 A p r i l , 2 0 1 6 S
“CLICK 4 ENERGY” Photo contest
Perugia, March 23rd NiPS Laboratory, together with Giovanna Griffo – MaxArtis organizes the "CLICK 4 ENERGY" photo contest. Participation is open to all the interested photo artists (> 18 years old). Please connect to "" to know more. This
Luca Gammaitoni meets with Gouhei Tanaka at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Tokyo, February 26th, 2016 Luca Gammaitoni meets with Gouhei Tanaka at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo for discussing the research on bio inspired computation. Prof. Tanaka is conducting research in collaboration with IBM Japan to
Helios Vocca from NiPS speaks at the KAGRA Face-2-face meeting
Kashiwa, Feb 22 – 2016 Helios Vocca, the group leader of Virgo-Perugia, presented a talk on the Virgo Suspensions at the KAGRA Face-2-Face meeting, in Kashiwa (JP). KAGRA is the Japanese funded project that aims at building a
Energy harvesting at micro scale – Seminar at the University of Parma
Parma, 4 Feb 2016 Luca Gammaitoni presented a Seminar at the Physics Department of the University of Parma, entitled "Energy harvesting at micro scale". This was part of the Seminar Series organized periodically by the Department. Here please find
L. Gammaitoni visits the University of Glasgow
Glasgow 17 Feb 2016 Luca Gammaitoni, NiPS director, paid a two days visit at the University of Glasgow. During the visit he had meetings with Prof. Sheila Rowan, in the framework of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration for gravitational waves
First detection of gravitational waves: the contribution of the Virgo Perugia group
12 February, 2016 Lunedì prossimo 15 Febbraio alle ore 10:00 presso il Rettorato (aula del dottorato) dell’Università di Perugia conferenza stampa per illustrare i risultati della collaborazione LIGO/Virgo ed il contributo del gruppo di Perugia (virgo-pg web site).