Micro Energy Day 2015

  Discover smart solutions for mobile electronic energy needs.   Institutions from across Europe will be celebrating Micro-Energy Dayduring this week, to raise awareness about energy use in mobile electronic devices. Coordinated by the NiPS Laboratory (www.nipslab.org) at University of

Published the book on Micro Energy Harvesting with contributions from NiPS

    Micro Energy Harvesting Danick Briand (Editor), Eric Yeatman (Editor), Shad Roundy (Editor), Oliver Brand(Series Editor), Gary K. Fedder (Series Editor), Christofer Hierold (Series Editor), Jan G. Korvink (Series Editor), Osamu Tabata (Series Editor) ISBN: 978-3-527-31902-2 – 490 pages, April 2015   Chapter 2 devoted to Fundamentals of Mechanics and Dynamics, Helios Vocca and Luca Gammaitoni